In a Vase on Monday: Floating Hellebores

I love it when the day arrives that all my hellebores are open and I can gather one flower head of each to float in a bowl. That day is today! 😁

And I have two bowlsful!

It seems I have somehow acquired a grand total of seventeen or eighteen hellebores… how did that happen?! They are dotted all around the garden, and although some of them look remarkably similar to each other they have all been sold to me under different names (or nameless) – with the exception of Yellow Lady, of which I have two.

The bumble bees and a few other creatures have been buzzing and fluttering around the flowers, enjoying the recent sunshine. It hasn’t been very warm though until today – the cold wind seems to have finally abated for now, so I am keeping my fingers crossed for some gardening time this week. 🌷🐝🌷

I am joining Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for her Monday meme, where she invites us to gather materials from our gardens to share in a vase or similar receptacle. (This week one cut glass sweets dish and a large glass trifle bowl.)

Seeing these flowers from above really does show them off best, so even if you only have one or two, do try floating them. Floating works well for many other flowers too, including aquilegias and even sunflowers.

By the way, the hellebores in my vase last week did not last well, as I suspected. But they too were floated and the remaining stems rearranged:

Have a great week, and happy gardening!