The Rocks in the Rockery (and the Tuesday View)

If you have seen summery pictures of my rockery in this year’s ‘Tuesday View’, you may be forgiven for wondering why I call it a rockery… Apart from the large rock in the foreground on the right there is hardly a rock in sight.


The rockery in early August

But when you see this view in December it is quite a different story, and the rocks become a focus when the plants are no longer able to provide interest.


Shapes, shadows, moss and wintergreen ground cover create a very different feel to the summer abundance of flora… especially on a frosty day like today.


When I first cleared this area, which was covered in thick layers of ivy, I remember smiling as each rock was revealed. I particularly like this one with the little ‘window’, and try to keep it free of growth for most of the year.


And this one too…


Others vanish completely in summer, and in the shade of the perennials moss gains a grip, becoming more and more visible in the autumn as the surrounding plants die back.

Even on a grey day I can take pleasure in the rocks themselves. But when the sun shines on them they are even more attractive.

If we get snow in winter it can turn the rockery into a moon-like landscape for weeks. However, in a snowless winter I often look at it despairingly, convinced everything has died and it will never be green again! Do you get that feeling too?

And then I need to look at some of the photos taken in summer, to remind me on a dreary winter’s day of what it will feel like to step outside, barefoot, and walk across the warm patio paving to the steps – those steps from which photos of the Tuesday View are always taken – and sit down with a cup of coffee and look and dream and listen to the sounds of nature.


The rockery in June

To finish off, a short video from June last year at the bottom of the rockery…

Both summer and winter views are lovely in their different ways. But I know which view I prefer… 😉

What is your favourite feature in your garden on a dreary grey winter’s day?

The Tuesday View Returns!

Some of you may remember me posting the weekly view of my rockery for a year (2014), and the year before it was the long view down the garden that I featured every Tuesday afternoon (2013). Well, thanks to some encouragement by Christina (at MyHesperidesGarden) who also posted a regular view of her slope for a year or so, I have decided to start it up again. And if anyone would like to join in, please do!

The idea is to choose just one view, and to take a photograph of it from roughly the same spot every Tuesday.

When I first started this weekly post, observing the changes through the seasons or the light at different times of day gave me much insight into the plants to use in my rockery. Hopefully this learning process will now continue.

Overall the planting has remained much the same over the past few years, with only a couple of new additions – some grasses, which are as yet not big enough to notice, and a rose –  ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ – which is just starting to flower but is still a fairly small plant.

The Tuesday view, 7th June 2016, 2pm


I would be so pleased if anyone would like to join me with their own “Tuesday View”.
