In a Vase on Monday: Phenomenal Pholiage

The autumn colours are gorgeous this year and our hedgerows are ablaze with Euonymus, Viburnum and Virginia Creeper. But I decided to use some of the (what I consider) lesser known shrubs in my garden and containers for an autumn vase, as I join Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for her weekly meme.

My new favourite vase contains some Itea virginica ‘Little Henry’ (back right), Leucothoe ‘Little Flames’ (front left),  Spiraea japonica ‘Magic Carpet’ (front right), and the large red leaves on the left are Diervilla splendens ‘Diva’, which is a shrub I can recommend… very drought proof, beautiful foliage and pretty little yellow flowers in early summer.

The Itea and Leucothoe are quite happy in pots in the yard, even in the extreme heat of summer and freezing winters, although I did wrap the Leucothoe up well last winter. I did, however, have to plant out the Spiraea as it didn’t like being confined. The Diervilla is planted in The ‘Edge and is still relatively small, resembling a Weigela in its growth but with much prettier glossy leaves and remaining very compact. (Up to about 1.5 m tall).

At the centre of the arrangement is a fennel flower, for some sparkle and some onomatopoeia – Phenomenal pholiage and phennel! 😉

I didn’t stop there though, as I noticed that despite three nights of frost my Gaillardia ‘Burgunder’ was still flowering. It got a matching autumnal vase with some yellow Tansy and Chrysopsis at the back (barely visible in my photos I realize!) and the lovely Chrysanthemum that featured last week at the front – Chrysanthemum indica ‘Bienchen’ (which means ‘little bee’).🐝

That Gaillardia deserves a medal for its flower power, but some golden leaves will have to do. I just looked back at some of my posts last year and noted that it was just as tough and long flowering in our drought year.

I wonder if you have pretty autumn foliage yet as well?

Many thanks to Cathy for hosting. Have a great week everyone!