A Week of Flowers 2022: Day Seven

My floral celebration draws to a close today, amd what a week it has been! There is a big smile on my face and I have learnt a lot, exchanged comments with both old and new blogging friends, and been inspired for future plantings and other floral projects. 🌸

Over a dozen blogging friends have joined me with a fantastic array of flowers from all over the world. From Agapanthus to Zinnia, we have probably covered the whole alphabet together. So let’s end on a high with a grand firework display of colour and flowers!

First some odds and ends which would look lovely planted together but are actually scattered around the garden…


And now a couple of wider shots of the Oval Bed with Centranthus ruber, Stipa tenuissima, Pulsatilla seedheads…

…. Alliums and a blue Persicaria

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who visited. To everyone who wrote a lovely comment. And especially to all those who participated in my third annual Week of Flowers. 💕

Same time, same place, next year! 🤗


Special thanks to:

Cathy https://betweenthelinesbookblog.com/2022/11/30/a-week-in-flowers-challenge-flowers-aweekinflowers-gardeningtwitter/

Eliza https://elizawaters.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-2022-day-1/

Amelia  https://theshrubqueen.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-day-one/

Anna  https://greentapestry.blogspot.com/2022/11/a-week-of-flowers-2022-day-1.html

Linda https://www.lindabrazill.com/each_little_world/2022/11/-a-week-of-flowers-day-1.html

Aletta https://nowathome.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-2022-day-one/

Allison https://frogenddweller.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-off-to-a-bright-start/

Sandra https://daffodilwild.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/cathys-week-of-flowers/

Rosie https://rosieamber.wordpress.com

Chris  https://ardivachar.co.uk/a-week-of-flowers-2022

Val https://findyourmiddleground.com/2022/11/30/week-of-flowers/

Frank https://katob427.com/2022/12/01/a-week-of-flowers-day-1/

Arwen https://notesfromtheundergardener.wordpress.com/2022/12/01/a-week-of-flowers-well-nearly-1st-december-2022/comment-page-1/#comment-354

Jude https://cornwallincolours.blog/2022/12/01/a-week-of-flowers/

Cathy https://ramblinginthegarden.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-day-1-really/

Anita and Jaye /https://jenanita01.com/2022/12/06/a-week-in-flowers-something-to-look-forward-to-in-2023-wordsandherbs-com/

Susan https://susanrushton.net/2022/12/06/week-of-flowers-2022-a-floral-riot/

Kris https://krispgarden.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-week-in-flowers-finish-line.html

hb https://pieceofeden.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-week-of-flowers.htmlhttps://pieceofeden.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-week-of-flowers.html

A Week of Flowers 2022: Day Six/In a Vase on Monday

Only two days remain of my Week of Flowers, where I invite you to join me with floral posts to cheer up the winter days and warm us all up a bit! So I will make the most of today and tomorrow and pack as many flowers into my posts as time allows!

Let’s start with a few peonies today. Firstly  the Itoh Peony ‘Shining Light’. I waited several years for this one to flower but it is now well-established and produced lots of flowers this summer!

Shining Light

This next one is Jan van Leeuwen, a lovely creamy white with a buttery yellow centre.

Jan van Leeuwen

This delicate pink one is Dancing Butterflies…

Dancing Butterflies

One of the best for fragrance, Sarah Bernhardt…

Sarah Bernhardt

And the cuckoo in the blue and white Moon Bed is this bright red one: Cuckoo’s Nest…

Cuckoo’s Nest

Well, today is a Monday, so I am also linking in to the wonderful In a Vase on Monday meme which is hosted by (another) Cathy at Rambling in the Garden. Cathy invites us to share flowers from our gardens in a vase each week. And since my garden is pretty much frozen at the moment I will share a few vases from the past year instead. I hope I will be forgiven for cheating today! As always, many thanks to Cathy for hosting.😃

Just choosing these photos has been uplifting and refreshing and I am already thinking of the gardening year to come!

One more day of my Week of Flowers tomorrow, so if you haven’t joined in yet, please do! Just post a flower or two from your 2022 garden and leave us a link below. Thanks to all and have a great Monday!

A week of Flowers 2022: Day Five

I am having a great time sifting through garden photos and viewing all the fabulous flowery posts some of you have been sharing for my ‘Week of Flowers’. Designed to chase away the grey and chill of these December days, it is open to everyone. So feel free to join in and simply post a flowery photo or two a day through until Devember 6th… and leave a link below. We are already on Day Five – goodness me, these past few days have flown by!

My first photo today is my gorgeous Himalayan Foxtail Lily ‘Eremurus himalaicus’. I know they are fussy plants, so I am keeping my fingers crossed they will flower again next year. They were amazing!

And my other flowers today are Asters. They always do well in my garden, even after a very hot and dry summer. 😃

Looking forward to seeing what others are sharing today.


Have a warm and flowery Sunday everyone!

A Week of Flowers 2022: Day Four

Welcome to Day 4 of my ‘Week of Flowers’ – my answer to brightening up the darkest days of the year here in the northern hemisphere. Why not join me? Just post a flower a day through to Tuesday December 6th. Yes, it’s that simple!

Today I am sharing some of my favourite flowers from my Moon Bed, planted in shades of blue, cream and white. First the Echinops ritro ‘Veitch’s Blue’. Such a beautiful shape and colour…

The bees love this as much as I do! 😉🐝

Another true blue is the Camassia. Sadly they don’t last for very long. (This one is actually in the Butterfly Bed, where I have had a few for several years now).

Around the same time of year the Scabiosa ‘Perfect Blue’ begin to flower too.

I grew these from seed in our first spring here, and they have spread nicely.

Finally, Echinacea ‘Fragrant Angel’ which is possibly the best Echinacea I have ever grown… strong growth, lots of long-lasting flowers and a bee magnet. 😃

Thank you for all the contributions and comments. This is so much fun! If you haven’t joined in yet there is still time… and remember to leave a link below so we can all find the flowers you are sharing!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!



A Week of Flowers 2022: Day Three

Time is whizzing by this week as a whirlwind of flowers colours my days! Yes, it is already Day Three of my third annual Week of Flowers, where I invite you to join me in sharing a photo of flowers from your 2022 garden over a whole week. I started this in 2020 when I was feeling low after our little doggie Gina died mid November and it really helped to cheer me up. You can post just one of the days or each day, (with any number of flowers you like, but one is just fine!😉) up to Tuesday December 6th. But do leave a link in the comments so that we can all see what you have found to share. 😃

I am going to start off this morning with a reminder of some golden summer glory.

(Gaillardia, Heliopsis and Helianthus)

And below, the only Dahlia I managed to grow this year: ‘Firepot’. It didn’t produce more than three or four flowers, but was so pretty.

And to close for today, a flower that is blooming right now – a little early but very welcome in my winter garden. Hellebore Ice ‘n’ Roses ‘Early Rose’.

Thanks to all and have a wonderful Wednesday. (And see you tomorrow….😉)


A Week of Flowers 2022: Day Two

It’s Day Two of my ‘Week of Flowers’, where I invite you to join me in sharing a photo (or five!😉) of flowers from your 2022 garden over a whole week. You can post just one day or each day, up to Tuesday December 6th. But do leave a link in the comments so that we can all see what you have found to share!

So many have already joined in and commented, with a few new faces too. 😆

I am going to go a bit mad today with six photos to share. 🤪First of all, my beautiful tulip ‘Texas Gold’. The different shades over the flowering period are quite outstanding…

Next up is one of the Salvias I grew in the Herb Bed this summer called ‘Icing Sugar’. And it really is a sugary pink. 😉

And finally two Echinacea flowers, the names of which escape me right now.

Thanks to all those already participating and all the lovely comments. Let’s brighten up December together!

Have a great day!


A Week of Flowers 2022: Day One

Welcome to my annual ‘Week of Flowers’!

Over the next seven days I will be sharing some bright and colouful photos of flowers from my garden in 2022. My way of cheering up the gloomy days of November and December here in the northern hemisphere. 😃

If you would like to join in, simply post a photo (or two😉) of a flower each day through to Tuesday 6th December and leave a link here in the commemts below so that we can find your post.

So, here are my photos for today, three in fact, reminding us of the colours of Spring!

First, a cheeky parrot tulip, ‘Silver Parrot’. It has become a habit, or perhaps a tradition, to grow parrot tulips in pots each year for some colour in the yard.

Here is a more elegant tulip, ‘Whispering Dream’, growing in the Oval Bed. The name alone is enticing. It flowers for ages and becomes even prettier as it matures…

And finally, one of my favourite species tulips, ‘Little Beauty’. Its name says it all. That almost blue centre is mesmerizing…

It does feel good to take a break from the November grey (5°C) and dream of the warmth of some Spring sunshine!

I am looking forward to seeing some of YOUR flowers too – and don’t forget to leave a link!

Happy gardening!
