Primrose yellow

The primroses are wonderful this year and I wanted to share a few pictures of them before they go over.

There have been a lot of bumble bees in the garden, tempted by the pussy willow in our hedgerows and then discovering the primroses, apricot blossom and hellebores as they pass through.

I managed to move some seedlings before they started flowering, but will be digging them up and replanting them all around the garden this year to spread these gorgeous mounds of lemony yellow.

These are best established in the Butterfly Bed, which was the first bed made here in 2018.

And this is the bed with the most hellebores too. This one is Carlotta, my favourite at the moment.

But the Moon Bed is also very established now, and into its fourth Spring. Doesn’t time fly!

The Primula veris stands out well in front of the ‘moon’…

…as do the Chionodoxa ‘Glory of the Snow’ with their pure white starry petals surrounding a golden yellow centre. (Can you spot the bee?)

I must put some of the paler Primroses in there too.

However, the most dramatic splash of yellow in the garden right now is the Forsythia on the end of The ‘Edge.

The bees pass it by, but it makes me stop and stare!

What is making you stop and stare in your garden right now?

Have a great Sunday!