In a Vase on Monday: Favourite Flowers

I am joining Cathy (at Rambling in the Garden) for her weekly ‘In a Vase on Monday’ posts, and as we edge into summer I have chosen to use some of my favourite flowers – Salvias – in my vase today.

The backdrop to the whole arrangement is my wonderful Salvia ‘Blauhügel’. It is now in full bloom, and will go on flowering all summer. This is a definite recommendation! The bees love it too.

A second salvia is my stalwart culinary one: Salvia officinalis ‘Nazareth’. It has a lovely mild, rounded flavour, unlike some other sages that can be a bit too strong.

The Nigella are finally flowering en masse, and some rather greyish, spotted white ones have thankfully given way to some spotless dazzling white ones and a some blues of various shades. For some reason I seem to have far more white this year…

Looking at the Nigella flowers up close never ceases to amaze me!

I must sow more of these blue ones…

The first Scabiosa perfecta has opened – a white one. The blue are still in bud. The bees love this plant too.

And I added a couple of Geraniums for a final flourish – the names are lost,  but one of them may be Rozanne. They have grown tall this year with all the rain, so are now sprawling rather than standing!

My hare jug is one given to me by my Mum a few years ago and goes perfectly with the colour palette this week.

Hope your week gets off to a good start, and happy gardening!




53 thoughts on “In a Vase on Monday: Favourite Flowers

  1. I love all your blues. My Geranium ‘ Rozanne’ has gone mad this year, probably all that rain. ‘Rozanne’ has a white centre, so perhaps yours is ‘Johnson’s Blue’ or Geranium magnificum

  2. What a spectacular vase full of juicy purple goodness with those salvias. I adore nigellas and have a few in a vase this week too. Mine also self-seed all over and what a display they make with all that frothy greenery.

  3. So pretty, all the blues. I don’t have that Salvia ‘Blauhügel’ but will look for it, I’d love to have that in my garden.

  4. Like a summer sky, Cathy! What a beautiful collection of blues and whites – everything is so lovely. As you say, nigella are fascinating to inspect close up – I seem to have them reasonably established here now, but could do with some more blues too ps I see what you mean about the knautia in your header

  5. hat I lovely mix, Cathy! I love the Geranium but the Salvias are wonderful too. Are the Salvias scented? My native Salvia clevelandii cultivars have just gotten started but their scent is so strong I’m reluctant to bring many inside.

    • The Salvia Blauhügel does smell when you rub the leaves and the S. officinalis smells too, even on a damp day you can smell it just walking by. But in a vase I can’t detect any smell. The S. nemorosa are the strongest smelling ones and I wouldn’t bring them indoors.

    • It is slowly drying up, but we have had showers on and off which keeps the weeds coming! LOL! I always think of you and your salvias when I cut some for a vase. 😊These ones are really hardy though and need little to no care – just cutting down late autumn.

  6. Salvias are real garden-worthy plants, aren’t they? Love the Nigella too. I planted some seeds but didn’t get them into the garden in time. The doily is a nice touch.

  7. A lovely purply combo, Cathy, and in one of my favorite vases of yours. 🙂

    What is the translation for Salvia ‘Blauhügel’? It sounds like a good one.

    You just reminded me to look for my G. ‘Rozanne’… I hope I didn’t lose it over winter!

  8. The Nigella are nice also, along with the Salvia. Someone at work recently asked about them. They self sow, but are not very pretty without watering. That is not a problem if they self sow within an irrigated area, but most do not.

  9. I love your arrangement and the little doily that you have the vase sitting on. Even that matches–I am suitably impressed. That deep blue of the salvias is such a great color.

  10. Oh that’s such a pretty mixture of blues and dots of white Cathy. Nigellas are fascinating to look at even after they have flowered. I can’t see geranium ‘Rozanne’ in your mix – she has a noticeable white eye but your geranium is most appealing. Your hare vase echoes the colours of your flowers too – a great choice 😀

    • Thanks Anna. I must try and place my geranium labels so that they are visible when the plants actually flower! But a good tip that Rozanne has white at the centre. 😃

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