A Spring Glow

I am dedicating this post to all my blogging friends suffering from a bitter cold and extremely long and persistent winter.

(i.e. in North America/Canada)

I know how you feel, as last year we had a very long and extremely grey winter – my vitamin D levels must have been down to zero by the time we finally got a sunny day!


Here are some sunshiny Narcissi with their cheerful faces, and a visitor… can you see her?


And Hepatica nobilis ‘White Forest’, a dazzling beauty reflecting light for you like a tiny beacon…


And finally here are the fat pink buds of the flowering currant, Ribes sanguineum. Full of hope and optimism, these will be the main attraction for the bees very soon.


Hope it warms up for you soon!

42 thoughts on “A Spring Glow

  1. I so needed this, tonight we are expecting something called a flash freeze. It was 62 yesterday and tonight the wind chill will be below zero so everything that is wet from the rain will freeze, Thank you!!

  2. That was thoughtful! And really beautiful. We (near Toronto) had 2 “warm” days (meaning above zero C) and now it has snowed all day and is heading to -17C overnight. We NEED to see your pretty flower pictures. The snow has been heaped up since November and there is no sign of earth, lawn or perennials! Daffodils will come eventually, but there are no signs of life yet!

    • That is cold! Thank goodness we were spared such freezing temperatures this year. Thanks for your comment and hope the weekend is a bit warmer!

    • It really does shine out despite being such a small flower. The pink one didn’t reappear this year, but the native blue one has also been a delight. 😀

  3. I love the pink stamens of The Hepatica nobilis ‘White Forest’, so dainty and delicate. A very kind thought to share your sunshine. Even though I have lots of sun here it is still nice to share yours.

    • We have had so much sun I feel almost guilty seeing pictures on other blogs! LOL! Drinking it all in before some rainy days come at the weekend. 😀

    • I’m glad you enjoyed the post. We should get some rain this weekend and then the garden will just take off! Hope you get a warmer weekend Lori!

  4. Beautiful shots Cathy 🙂 We have hit fifty with some melt then parts of our state received over a foot and a half of fresh heavy snow yesterday but we got rain 🙂 then and icy dusting but Sat. they say in the 50’s again spring in it a fighting match with winter but I see it taking a few rounds so soon we shall also have pretty blooms 🙂

  5. A kind thought to dedicate it to those still in mid winter waiting for Spring. I came back from the Alps this week to see the bulbs and even the Magnolia trees in bloom – certainly a sight for sore eyes, as are your photos Cathy

    • Thanks Claire. I look forward to seeing our neighbour’s Magnolia tree flowering – and the wild garlic that grows beneath it too! 😉 Have a good weekend!

  6. 🙂 thank you! They all look so springy. I can feel the warm sunshine now. 🙂 The Hepatica nobilis ‘White Forest’ is beautiful and very majestic looking. Wonderful photo! I have yet to try grow any Hepatica, are they easy enough?

    • You’re welcome Flora! The white and blue Hepaticas have done well here, but actually they aren’t that easy to grow and it’s taken several attempts to get my two plants established… they love undisturbed, chalky, well-drained soil, at the edge of woodland or under deciduous trees. Worth a try in any case! 😀

  7. I so appreciate your lovely post and photos and appreciate your thoughtfulness. We still have a foot of frozen snow on the ground, had snow again today and the low is supposed to be 4F. Spring surely has to make an appearance soon.

    • It can’t be far off for you too Karen… with the equinox just a week away I think it must start warming up soon. Hope you at least get some sunshine this weekend! 😀

  8. Lovely photos… as always! Here’s hoping spring is really here in Europe (no slipping back into icy conditions), and will soon be arriving in the USA and Canada.

    • A few cooler days are forecast here, but I can’t imagine winter daring to make an appearance now! I think we’ve had similar weather to you Sarah. Hasn’t it been lovely to sit outside!

    • Thanks Sheryl! The white hepatica is a real star, and the blue ones have been lovely too, but the deep pink one I had last year has disappeared and a weedy-looking pale pink one has turned up… I suppose they cross-pollinate…? Have a lovely weekend – hope you can get out and about!

  9. Beautiful pictures Cathy, I see the little spider! Looks like spring is around the corner for us, only 30 degrees F this morning with temps suppose to get to 55 F today. The flowers are beautiful 🙂

  10. It seems like spring is slowly finding us all, and what a relief that is! Such beautiful photos of all the tender little flowers springing up around your garden Cathy, enjoy the sunshine!

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