In a Vase on Monday: Hidden Gold

At the end of November, with a light sprinkling of snow, the idea of creating a vase with items from my garden would, just a few years ago, have been far from my mind. But then Cathy at Rambling in the Garden came up with her Monday meme and so, here is my contribution for this week. πŸ˜ƒ

At a first glance, these grasses and seedheads look rather drab. But when I turned the light on to get some better photos this afternoon, I found hidden gold. πŸ˜‰

See what I mean?


By the way, the little elk is Elvin. He is packed away after Christmas every year with all the other decorations and it is a happy reunion when I open up my boxes of bits and pieces! And the doiley is one I crocheted a couple of years ago. πŸ˜ƒ

Do visit Cathy to see what she has found on an icy Monday in November. And have a lovely week!


31 thoughts on “In a Vase on Monday: Hidden Gold

  1. You definitely did find gold, Cathy. The garden still offers much for those who seek its treasures. Elvin is adorable and your doily is so beautiful and Christmasy in red. (I remember the pansy one you made, too.) I need to get my decorations out, as well… times a-wasting!

  2. It’s a beautiful arrangement; the shape of the pods looks almost like half-open tulips.
    Your doily is lovely. We’re just getting the Christmas tree up…

  3. There’s beauty everywhere (well, almost!), thanks for sharing your little treasure, Cathy. The seedhead looks intriguing. What is it? We’re recovering from C, so I had no energy at all to decorate but hopefully I’ll get around to it before next Sunday. Big hug ❣️

    • Oh, you poor things! Get well soon. πŸ€—πŸ’• The seedhead is Iris siberica. I only managed to salvage a couple before they started disintegrating. πŸ™‚

  4. I love Elvin, he’s adorable. The seed that looks like gold inside and is shaped like a tulip is divine, I love it, like the fantastic bouquet you have made. Cathy your red doily says “Christmas”, I love it. Happy advent Take good care of yourself and be very careful with the Covid omicron. Enjoy the week. Very affectionate greetings from Margarita.

  5. That’s astonishing, isn’t it? Well observed, Cathy! I brought our Christmas things down from the loft last night and they will go up today 🌲

    • It looks like I used a can of gold spray paint! πŸ˜ƒ I invested in a rather nice artificial tree this year and it went up at the weekend. Happy tree decorating Cathy!

  6. Lovely Cathy, especially the grasses and your delightful use of the iris seedheads. Funnily enough I have a vase of old, dried rudbeckia flowers (is that what your flower is?) with grasses still sitting on the kitchen table after weeks. Can’t bear to part with them!

    • Mine is an Echinacea seedhead. A few have lasted but most of them just crumbled in November. I have a couple of vases of grasses and seedheads from previous years too…. gathering dust but still looking lovely! πŸ˜ƒ

      • Ahh … once they’ve reached that stage, I suppose they all do the same job. I’ve some grasses and stuff in my kitchen from about 5 years ago – they are still pretty, but the dust on their high shelf not so much!!! Looking forward to sharing our flowers this week!

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