In a Vase on Monday: ‘Royal Bumble’

You may be wondering what on earth the title of this week’s vase means! Well, it is the name of the red Salvia I have used: Salvia greggii ‘Royal Bumble’.


The Peony foliage was actually what I started off with. It has already started to turn this lovely pinky orange colour. The grass is Calamagrostis brachytricha, also with a reddish pink tinge.


I then added a few stems of Hypericum ‘Miracle Night’, and several stems of this deep scarlet Salvia, grown from my own cuttings last year.


The whole vase was then photgraphed on one of the stepping stones in the Herb Bed, surrounded by some of the other salvias I have grown this year.

This was the part of the Herb Bed I enlarged in the Spring. Now that we have had lots of rain it is slowly filling up with stipa, sage and borretsch seedlings. And the Parsley has done well there too! 😃

Thanks as always to Cathy at Rambling in Garden, who asks us to join her each week with a vase of materials from our gardens.

Have a good week, and happy gardening!


30 thoughts on “In a Vase on Monday: ‘Royal Bumble’

  1. Beautiful salvia Cathy and the peony foliage is a great idea. The salvia being named Royal Bumble is not what I expected, but then plant names are just delightful in that way. Your herb garden is looking great. Have a good week.

  2. The peony foliage works so well with the salvia, doesn’t it? You have reminded me that I need to take cuttings from my Royal Bumble, which although small has done OK this year until being smothered by the persicaria behind it! It’s good to see some photos of your herb beds filling out nicely

    • I took cuttings from several different salvias a couple of weeks ago, and Royal Bumble is the winner again, with every single one rooting in record time. Getting them through winter is still a bit hit and miss though. Any tips?

  3. The soft orange color of the peony foliage blends beautifully with the Salvia flowers, Cathy. Such is my relationship with peonies, I didn’t even know the plants produce lovely fall foliage. My one Itoh peony, which after about 5 years in my garden has never bloomed, also has never provided me with any pretty fall foliage – like so many leaves here, summer’s intense sun and heat immediately fries the foliage to an unattractive brown.

    • Peony foliage in autumn is one of those nice surprises for people like me with a short memory! 🤪 My Itoh peony also doesn’t change colour much, but was one of the few plants that didn’t get too singed in the summer heat this time. Mine took years to flower too…. it is worth the wait though, so hope it flowers for you next year!

  4. The peony foliage is rather special Cathy and compliments your salvia. Is the foliage of ‘Royal Bumble’ aromatic? I’ve been busy taking cuttings from salvias whilst there is still some warmth for them to take. Glad to hear that you have had some rain.

    • Yes, it is aromatic, but not one of the nicest fragrances. I much prefer the one I have called ‘Peach’, which really does smell of peaches. 😃 Good luck with the cuttings. I am tempted to take more, as there are always losses over the winter.

  5. Is Hypericum ‘Miracle Night’ grown for those collared berries, or does it bloom nicely also? Two species of Hypericum are invasive weeds here, which might be why others species and cultivars are uncommon.

    • The flowers and berries are pretty, but the foliage is actually the nicest part of the plant. Red shoots in spring, then dark reddish green leaves through summer, and orangey tinges again in autumn. 😃

      • Of course, I needed to look it up again. I still prefer the bloom, even if less important than berries and foliage, just because it resembles common Saint John’s wort. Because I only grow things, but do not engage in design, I have difficulty with color and particularly bronzed foliage. I grew ‘Australia’ canna in my downtown planter box because a neighbor requested it, and eventually realized that I like it, but it took a while.

  6. The arrangement is really lovely, and the colors are perfect as representative of the Autumn garden. Your herbs look so healthy, too. I keep celebrating every time you mention your rain. 🙂

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