In a Vase on Monday: A ‘scentsory’ explosion!

The garden smells amazing today, and I wish I could transport the scents to you all!

First of all, our wild Robinia (R. pseudoacacia) – also known as False Acacia or in the U.S. I believe Black Locust – is blooming for the first time.

There are in fact several trees, just within our property line, but outside our fence. They had been chopped back by an over-zealous neighbour until we moved here, and finally they have flowered for us.

The fragrance reminds us of the bubblegum we used to get out of little bublegum machines on the streets as children. (Remember them anyone?!). It keeps wafting across the garden and I have to stop and take a deep breath. I brought a little sprig indoors too. 😄


Then the peonies are beginning to open. I cut a single P. ‘Dancing Butterflies’ for my vase yesterday….

and added some Physocarpus…

…Lady’s Mantle…

…and a few deep pinky red Knautia Macedonica.

It somehow looks quite summery!

And on top of that the elderflowers are out and we celebrated as we do every year with some elderflower pancakes (Hollerküchl in Bavarian) which are a tradition here. You just dunk the flower heads into a pancake batter and put them in a pan with a little oil. Carefully snip off the stems and flip them over. Serve with sugar sprinkled on top.

The final scent is the wild strawberries – mmmmm, they tasted yummy on the pancakes! The scent of wild strawberries is also wafting around the garden.

I wonder if you have any fragrance in your gardens today?

I am joining Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for her Monday meme, where we share something from our gardens and pop it in a vase.

Have a great week, and happy gardening!