In a Vase on Monday: Shimmering

If you are in the UK, did you see Kate’s garden on Gardeners’ World last Friday? Wonderful! Do take a look if you missed it: the link is on her blog page here. I was able to watch it in Germany, so it may work worldwide.

 I also loved all the Fennel in Monty Don’s ‘dry’ garden (he is the host of the show), and his vase too… And his words are so true, that the purpose of creating a vase is “a celebration of what YOU like to grow in YOUR garden” and  not to win any prizes. Like Monty, I have also become much more at ease cutting things from my garden in the last couple of years since regularly joining Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for her weekly meme.


I actually picked these flowers a few days ago, as friends from Japan are paying me a flying visit today and time is short! The Golden Rod has been opening over the last week or so and was my starting point. I wanted something soft and airy to go with it, and was drawn to the unidentified grass (Miscanthus I think) now blooming in the rockery. For more airiness and light I added another grass and a few Scabiosa and Succisella flowers.


 Two Cosmos Xanthos were then added.


Then I noticed the shimmery effect of some Sedum buds just showing colour, and finally I cut one Sunflower ‘Valentine’.


I think if I was a bee I would be in heaven in here! 😉


It’s Monday, so go and cut some flowers and join us all in producing a vase for Cathy’s meme, and then visit her at Rambling in the Garden to leave your link and to see what treasures she has chosen for her vase today!


Have a great week!
