A Week of Flowers 2022: Day Seven

My floral celebration draws to a close today, amd what a week it has been! There is a big smile on my face and I have learnt a lot, exchanged comments with both old and new blogging friends, and been inspired for future plantings and other floral projects. 🌸

Over a dozen blogging friends have joined me with a fantastic array of flowers from all over the world. From Agapanthus to Zinnia, we have probably covered the whole alphabet together. So let’s end on a high with a grand firework display of colour and flowers!

First some odds and ends which would look lovely planted together but are actually scattered around the garden…


And now a couple of wider shots of the Oval Bed with Centranthus ruber, Stipa tenuissima, Pulsatilla seedheads…

…. Alliums and a blue Persicaria

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who visited. To everyone who wrote a lovely comment. And especially to all those who participated in my third annual Week of Flowers. 💕

Same time, same place, next year! 🤗


Special thanks to:

Cathy https://betweenthelinesbookblog.com/2022/11/30/a-week-in-flowers-challenge-flowers-aweekinflowers-gardeningtwitter/

Eliza https://elizawaters.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-2022-day-1/

Amelia  https://theshrubqueen.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-day-one/

Anna  https://greentapestry.blogspot.com/2022/11/a-week-of-flowers-2022-day-1.html

Linda https://www.lindabrazill.com/each_little_world/2022/11/-a-week-of-flowers-day-1.html

Aletta https://nowathome.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-2022-day-one/

Allison https://frogenddweller.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-off-to-a-bright-start/

Sandra https://daffodilwild.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/cathys-week-of-flowers/

Rosie https://rosieamber.wordpress.com

Chris  https://ardivachar.co.uk/a-week-of-flowers-2022

Val https://findyourmiddleground.com/2022/11/30/week-of-flowers/

Frank https://katob427.com/2022/12/01/a-week-of-flowers-day-1/

Arwen https://notesfromtheundergardener.wordpress.com/2022/12/01/a-week-of-flowers-well-nearly-1st-december-2022/comment-page-1/#comment-354

Jude https://cornwallincolours.blog/2022/12/01/a-week-of-flowers/

Cathy https://ramblinginthegarden.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/a-week-of-flowers-day-1-really/

Anita and Jaye /https://jenanita01.com/2022/12/06/a-week-in-flowers-something-to-look-forward-to-in-2023-wordsandherbs-com/

Susan https://susanrushton.net/2022/12/06/week-of-flowers-2022-a-floral-riot/

Kris https://krispgarden.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-week-in-flowers-finish-line.html

hb https://pieceofeden.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-week-of-flowers.htmlhttps://pieceofeden.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-week-of-flowers.html

45 thoughts on “A Week of Flowers 2022: Day Seven

  1. Pingback: A Week of Flowers: planting combo | Wild Daffodil

  2. Pingback: A Week of Flowers – Final Day: Burning down the house | Frogend dweller's Blog

  3. Pingback: a week of flowers – Cornwall in Colours

  4. A lovely selection of flowers from you to close the week Cathy. Your new garden is now looking as if it’s been there for ever and is full of some most special plants! A big thanks to you as always and also thanks for inspiring at least one new year’s aim. I must take more flower photos 😂 Looking forward to another such week next year. My contribution for today is here : https://greentapestry.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-week-of-flowers-2022-day-7.html

    • Thank you Anna. I did take rather a lot of photos this year, but somehow they never found their way onto this blog until now! So glad you could join in and enjoy it too! 🤗

    • Thanks Linda. You will love Miss Wilmot’s Ghost, and the bees will thank you for it. 😉 Hope some sunshine comes your way soon. It is damp and gloomy here but all these flowery posts have been a wonderful distraction! 🌸

  5. A great finale, with some beautiful lighting too. I’ve enjoyed seeing so many flowery posts while all is cold outside. I have been trying to join in but have found myself two steps behind all week until earlier today. Thanks for hosting!

  6. Pingback: A Week of Flowers, Day Six: Dahlias at Their Best | Rambling in the Garden

  7. Oh I love that you’ve put together a list of contributors! It seems my blog roll is always thinning and I love finding cool new blogs to visit and interesting bloggers to follow. Now I have a to-visit list for the net few weeks (once I recover lol)
    Love ‘Miss Wilmot’s Ghost’. I’ve tried to get it started here a few times but it doesn’t seem too keen on sprouting, so it’s still a no-show. Some day!
    Here’s my Day seven finale 😉 I’m limping over the finish line with an old standby. Thanks again for hosting, it’s been fun! https://katob427.com/2022/12/07/a-week-of-flowers-day-7/

    • I hope Miss Wilmot will haunt your garden one day – the bees went mad for it, and I did actually wonder if the nectar of some plants has the same effect on bees as an overload of sugar does on me! LOL! Thanks again for joining in Frank! Yes, it has been an incredible week of flowery fun! 😃🤗🌺

  8. Thank you so much for sharing the beauty! Sorry I missed it, but it’s been fun to follow the posts. So much to look forward to in the gardens of spring, summer, and fall (and winter for some gardeners).

    • Well, there are a few frozen Scabiosa flowers, and wild Yarrow (Achillea millefoleum) and Knapweed (Centaurea nigra). But in the garden beds I think the only flowers right now are the first of the Hellebores. Our maximum temperatures are about 3 or 4°C at the moment, and it looks like daytime temperatures will be below zero next week.

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