In a Vase on Monday: Sumatra

My title may seem strange, but don’t worry – I haven’t fled a Bavarian winter and flown off to Indonesia for some warm sunshine and golden beaches (although it does sound good!).

No, ‘Sumatra’ is my latest Hippeastrum to flower!

Actually it looks remarkably similar to the last one that flowered (La Paz), but I am not complaining. (Aside: I think La Paz would interest me more than Sumatra – how about you?)

It is a little past its best, but another stem is flowering now too, so I cut this one knowing it would go perfectly in the Etsy vase I treated myself to last autumn. 😃

I thought I’d use a flower frog to help it stand upright, but my smallest frog doesn’t fit the narrow neck of the vase, so I went out to find some foliage to help keep Sumatra straight. A couple of Hazel twigs and some Broom do the job nicely, and a few small sprigs of pussy willow Salix caprea yet to open.

While I was outside I also picked some stems of Forsythia to force. My Mum in the UK says her Forsythia is showing colour already. Have any of you in the UK noticed the same? I wonder when it will flower here, since it hasn’t been excessively cold this winter apart from a freezing fortnight in January. These sprigs will no doubt open really quickly indoors, so hopefully they will feature in a vase next Monday. 😉

Do go and visit our host, Cathy at Rambling in the Garden. Her Monday vase is full of golden spring promise.

Thanks for visiting!