In a Vase on Monday: Looking Up

Monday is the day I join Cathy at Rambling in the Garden with a vase of bits and bobs from my garden.

My funny little bird is looking up into the middle of a pink hellebore… I wish hellebores didn’t droop so much that you have to crawl on your hands and knees to see them properly! Still, in a vase (on Monday) they are much easier to see. So I picked another one – one that actually still has a label attached to it. (Where do all those plant labels disappear to???) It is called ‘Moondance’, which is such a lovely name reflecting its pearly cream colour. It was one of the few rather sad looking specimens at my local garden centre last week, completely pot-bound, but now happily stretching its toes into the cold moist soil in my Moon Bed and hopefully feeling at home there.

Talking of moons, have you been able to see the full moon the past few nights? It has been crystal clear (and frosty) here and the night sky has been extremely light. 🌝

The tiny little jug also contains some silvery Curry Plant (about the only foliage my garden can offer at the moment) and a couple of snowdrops.

In the background are some of the Forsythia and Pussy Willow branches I cut last week – both opened within a few days indoors. I should cut some more, as they will then flower as soon as these branches go over.

He has been named ‘Erdbeervogel’, which means strawberry bird. No, not a native here, but look at his markings more carefully and you will understand why! LOL!

So, the garden is slowly awakening and things are ‘looking up’… there is no rain in our forecast for the next ten days! (Like so many gardeners in northern Europe I have been lamenting the amount of rain we have had this winter. I just hope there’s a drop left for the summer.😉)

Thanks for visiting, and do go and see Cathy’s post here where other vase creators have once again linked in from around the world. 😄