In a Vase on Monday: Springtime Cheer

A couple of weeks ago I shared a new cut glass vase my Mum had sent me, engraved with daffodils. Well, today it is being put to use again, displaying my first tall Narcissi which have opened in our exceptionally warm weather (over 20°C!) over the past few days.

It is a fortunate coincidence that the orange tulips (Ballerina?) and pheasant’s eye Narcissi (N. poeticus ‘Actaea’) actually flower next to each other in a corner of the Herb Bed, where Narcissi Cheerfulness and Yellow Cheerfulness are also planted. The larger white flowered Narcissus is Thalia, growing in the Butterfly Bed among the rapidly fading Primroses.

Talking of fading, the Hellebores are also beginning to fade, but slowly and gracefully, and picking them now is such a pleasure as they will last much longer in a vase. This one is Yellow Lady.

Last week I was also given a beautiful bouquet of flowers by my Man of Many Talents – no occasion, although we are celebrating 30 years of togetherness this week!

The bouquet contains several plants I cannot place, but a yellow rose, some orange Gerbera and two Strelitzia.

The Strelitzia are amazing flowers and although they would look completely out of place in a garden here I have grown more fond of them and other tropicals as I learn more about them from Amelia,  The Shrub Queen. Her Florida garden is full of fabulous flowers, fruits and foliage, including tree orchids. Do take a look at her last post here.

So once again the house is full of flowers, and the garden is bursting to life too. I will be enjoying it from indoors today though – not only does my back need a rest after doing some edging (see here), but there is a very strong wind whipping up pollen and Sahara dust that has been transported our way on the warm currents from the south. It has created a strange haze over the last few days, preventing the sun from being too strong – perhaps a blessing in disguise as early heatwaves finish off the spring plants far too quickly. I just hope my tulips and tall daffodils stand up to this wind!

Thanks to Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for hosting this meme. 💕

I hope you have all had a relaxing Easter weekend and can make the most of the extra hour of evening light now the clocks have changed (in Europe).

Happy gardening!