In a Vase on Monday: The Return of Spring

Earlier this month I thought we were skipping towards summer, with everything turning green and growing like mad at such an incredible speed. But then April decided to take us back to winter for a couple of weeks! Well, now we are thankfully back to warm and sunny and the plants have resumed growth… they did actually slow down when it turned cold. And so at the end of the month things are flowering at the more or less ‘normal’ time and the Aquilegia are coming out. Perfect for this week’s vase, as I join Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for ‘In a Vase on Monday’.

I have some lovely pink ones as well as the common dark purple/blue. The shapes vary so much, and seeing them close up in a vase is enlightening.

Thia large bold pink one stands out well in the garden.

I added blue Nepeta and some Pulsatilla seedheads. You can see the pollen from the fir trees that has collected in this one…

The whole lot was more or less plonked into the nearest vessel suitable which happened to be my duck jug, one of the (almost-kitschy-but-not-quite) Wrendale collection. 😃

The Nepeta has since perked up – such an amazing plant that will flower on and off all summer if I cut it back now and then.

Hope you all have a great week.

Happy Gardening!