False Jasmine: Philadelphus

Sweet white blossom

In Germany Philadelphus is known as False Jasmine, Farmer’s Jasmine, or even Whistle Bush! (Pfeifenstrauch). The latter refers to the fact that the pulp is easily removed so children can make whistles out of the stems! (Source: wikipedia.de)

In the UK Philadelphus is known as Mock Orange. The scent is what has clearly given this shrub its names in both languages. The botanical name Philadelphus comes from an ancient Greek king of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphus.

Philadelphus virginalis

At the beginning of June hundreds of tiny white double flowers of Philadelphus virginalis perfume the garden, and although not as wonderful as real orange flowers or jasmine, I still enjoy breathing it in.

Philadelphus coronarium

In our front garden the Philadelphus coronarius hardly smells at all and has single flowers. It is a real show this year!

Both shrubs grow to about 3 metres and hang slightly, making a lovely shape. And their long oval leaves are quite glossy, so they look good all summer.

And now a question…

In this flower, do you see what I see? (And this spooked me!)

Click on the photo for a closer look 😉

38 thoughts on “False Jasmine: Philadelphus

  1. My mockorange has died back badly this year after a mild winter and surviving for many years – what a disappointment. I will enjoy your flowers and dream of next year I guess!

    • Hope it’s just saving its energy to wow you next year! Our plants must be well over 30 years old, since they were put in when this house was built.

  2. Beautiful photos! I planted a mock orange bush a few years ago, but I planted in the wrong place (much too small and too shady) 😦 It hasn’t done well, but I don’t have a suitable place to move it to yet. It is a double flowered version as well — gosh how I wish it would look like yours someday! Beautiful!

    • Yes, they do need quite a bit of space. My single-flowered one is in the full sun, but the double one is in semi-shade. Perhaps they need time to look good. Ours really does get better each year!

  3. Hi Cathy: Again, a stunning and informative post! 🙂
    I have been milling over whether to plant one or not, I am running out of room. They sure look lovely. Is the scent worth planting them? Mock Orange is on my short list of candidates.

    • Thank you Strawberryindigo! I would choose this plant for its elegant overhanging branches laden with blossom, not for the scent… if the weather is damp I can’t smell mine much. But I do believe there are many different cultivars that smell wonderful. Personally I think it’s also pretty when not in flower.
      And it does need space! (But maybe there are miniature versions too?) 😉

  4. Ooh! A slightly weird but not completely freaky clown!
    But… *sigh* I want a garden, not just a weeny balcony! (But then again, I’d need someone like you to come along and make it pretty.)

    • I thought it was Margaret Thatcher! 😉 Can you grow things on your balcony? I don’t have a veg plot, so my zucchini, salad leaves and herbs are all on my balcony in pots! 😀

      • Argh, MT… that would make it definitely scary!
        What manages to grow on my balcony despite my best efforts? Mint, thyme, lavender, a rather unimpressive olive tree (which at least fared better than the jasmine in our fortnight of minus ten), a calamondin and its babies (I’m hoping my local insect population spotted the bevy of flowers that suddenly appear this week – if they did, there’ll be a tiny pot of calamondin curd on my table in a few months time!). And walking boots, spare cat litter boxes, tins waiting for a trip to the recycling, a random storage box… genus Detritus seems to grow very well too!

  5. I love “Jasmin”, especially the fragrant sorts. Lovely photos! Most beautiful is the last picture with raindrops in the bloom.
    Have a nice Sunday, Cathy – in spite of the grey rainy weather!

  6. Dear Cathy! If I don’t tell you often enough, let me tell you now. Everytime I come here is a treat, a luxuriating feel of fresh gorgeous flowers, amazing recipes and platters of the most scrumptious foods that make me feel as if I’m almost there about to get a spoonful… 😀 And I learn so much everytime. Yours is a place filled with the most beautiful things. I think of you often. Lovely days always, Sharon

  7. I saw the clown! It would spook me, too! I was going to say it looked like the mock orange here, too, but I see that I am not the first.

  8. Hi Cathy, lovely photos on a shrub I have often wondered about. I had always heard their scent was amazing but had never seen one in full bloom. Yours are gorgeous. I seen a laughing clown mixed with a ghostly clown in the flower! A bit scary! 🙂

  9. I´ve never heard of that flower before. Lovely pictures! However I don´t see a clown 😦 I want to see it too….

  10. Pingback: The quest for real jasmine | Day 76 | Signe Cane

  11. Hmmm… in that single flower I seem to see the face of a little duckling or chick, with one eye winking and with a little topknot of feathers.

    Does that mean I’m crazy, doctor? 😉

  12. p.s. to add that I didn’t read any of the responses before answering. 😉 The beak and eyes of the “little duck” are suggested by the pollen grains.

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