In a Vase on Monday: Flowers from the Sunshine Bed

Today was one of those chilly and grey autumn days, damp and drizzly, where the best place to be is in the kitchen with the oven on, making soup and baking bread. 😃

But it was also a Monday, and since I missed posting a vase last Monday I really wanted to participate in Cathy’s meme this week. So in between rainshowers I collected some flowers from my Sunshine Bed (which is living up to its name even in October). ☀️

Here are a couple of photos taken last week, before the latest rain. The  mice/voles are very active in this bed, but I have realised that I have lost fewer plants to them than to the slugs and snails in my last garden!

On the left is the very tall Helianthus ‘Sheila’s Sunshine’. I wasn’t sure about this plant at first, as it just looks tall and weedy for so long before flowering. But the pale lemon flowers, the dark green of the foliage and the reddish stems create quite a lovely result after much else has gone over.

Another star in this bed at the moment is the Chrysopsis. I grew this in my last garden too and it is so lovely to have some sunshine yellow going on into November.

The orange Chrysanthemum ‘Indian Summer’ has also not disappointed. One succumbed to the mammals, but this one has survived and is very visible from the house even on a foggy day like today.

In the last few days a cloud of white snowflakes has appeared on the right of the bed… this Aster in my vase is called ‘Schneetanne’ and has tiny white flowers. A wonderful sight in the October garden!

A few grasses and some Alchemilla mollis are fillers, along with a golden stem of Euphorbia called ‘Goldturm’, an Echinacea seedhead, and the very last Tithonia.

Such a shame October is coming to an end. It has been wet here, but as glorious as always!

Do visit Cathy at Rambling in the Garden to see what she has found for her vase today.

And have a great week!








In a Vase on Monday: October Posy

I decided midweek to pick some of the prettiest flowers I could find for a posy to place on the table… a few days later it was refreshed and added to, ready to join Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for her Monday meme. 😃

The pink stars on the right of Geranium Rozanne are… wait for it… Aster ‘Pink Star’! 😃 The larger pale pink daisy-like flower in the centre is something I discovered this year: Arctanthemum arctica. Similar to a Margerite or a Chrysanthemum, it flowers from the end of September and is about 40 cm high. Apparently it is also called Arctic Daisy. It looks wonderful in the Oval Bed and the white version has been ordered for my new bed (which is mostly planted up and will be the subject of a future post.) Above you can also see the pretty white Dianthus arenarius which flowers on and off all summer.

Geranium Rozanne is amazing…

Some of the Double Click Cranberry Cosmos are still looking pretty, so I added one to the posy, along with some Antirrhinum, Salvia, Polygonum and Gypsophila.

The pink flower in the middle is the last of my Echinacea Pink Double Delight. And it really was a delight. I wonder if it will return next year…

I shall start bulb planting today. I would really like to wait a bit, but we had our first frost last night and I want to get the beds finished before it gets so damp and cold that my fingers go numb!

What gardening jobs will you be tackling this week?


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Have a lovely week, and hope you get some good gardening weather!

In a Vase on Monday: Harvest Festival 🍎🌻🍐

We harvested our first ever apples on Saturday.


Some of the trees in our orchards are yet to bear fruit, but we were nonetheless able to harvest all this…

Four different kinds of apple and two pears.

Unfortunately, when the gardeners were planting the trees the labels all got removed! So we will spend the next few years trying to match up the trees to those listed on the delivery note. 😉

As it is Monday, I am joining Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for another Monday vase. The choice of colours for this week reflects harvest time too. We had such terribly strong wind again on Saturday that I decided to cut a few of the remaining flowers from the Sunshine Bed and Herb Bed.

Sunflower Earth Walker



Red Zinnia

Echinacea Flame Thrower and Yellow Zinnia

I also used some Helianthus Sheila’s Sunshine and Lemon Queen, some Antirrhinums and a few grasses.

This extra vase was stuffed with pieces of my lovely tall Aster ‘Septemberrubin’ (September Ruby) that had been broken off in the storm… I need a taller support for that aster as it grew beyond expectation to about 160cm. Wonderful!

Have you been able to harvest anything from your gardens this week?

Happy October gardening!