What’s in the box?

 Can you guess what this box contains? 🙄

My anniversary present from my Man of Many Talents! And yes, it is garden-related. 😉

Go on, leave me your guesses in the comments and I will reveal it in a couple of days, as soon as we have unpacked it….


42 thoughts on “What’s in the box?

  1. Greenhouse. I believe that it might be a prefabricated greenhouse. It is heavy because it is on a pallet. It is the same dimensions as the pallet, so is four feet long by three and a half feet wide, and seems to be about as high as it is long. However, if the pavers are eight inches long by six inches wide, then the pallet and box are only two feet wide, or half as wide as it is long. Well, that could still be a prefabricated greenhouse. But, why would it arrive now that winter is over?

  2. OK, I cheated and looked at what the others said first. I’m terrible at guessing what presents and boxes contain. How about garden seating? (I guess Eunice thought about this, too.) Can’t wait to find out. 🙂

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