Revealing what was in the box!

So on Saturday morning (yesterday) I asked for some guesses as to what might be in my box.

There were some great ideas, but only Tony got it right after clearly giving it much thought! Well done Tony! 👍 Edit: John got it right too! Well done John!

Let’s take a peak in the box…

Still puzzled?

Not just one….

…but THREE compost bins! 😄

Maybe not everyone’s ideal anniversary present, but for a gardener like me a valuable investment.

The frames slot into each other and the wooden boards can be easily removed.

The whole thing will be reassembled at the bottom of the garden today. Any useful tips on composting would be welcome!

30 thoughts on “Revealing what was in the box!

  1. Very smart compost bins!

    I absolutely love making compost. The layering of different materials is important.

    I make the best compost in black plastic dustbins with small air holes drilled in the base, side and lids. I use these to keep the rats away.

    They do love to nest in the warmth of compost.

    But I live in a row of houses, you might not have the same issue, in the wide open spaces.

    I have three bins that are used to feed the current active bin, so as to get the layers of compost at different stages of decomposition.

    Everyone has their own methods don’t they.

    Monty Don has lots to say about it. 🙂

    Have fun!

    • That is what I was thinking…. having one ‘active’ bin and the other two for storing material to mix in. I am sure it will work whatever!

    • Yes, we need a big compost sytem for a garden this size and so far I have just had a garden rubbish heap that I have not been able to turn yet. (We will do that this year with the tractor I hope) .

  2. Oh I am too late to guess now! I was most impressed by Tony’s examination of the facts, but was going to suggest a sculpture, as you have plenty of space for a large and dramatic piece – but your compost bins are not a let down, as they will be such an asset. And THREE of them too, which will be really useful even though it means you might feel obliged to do some compost turning… 🤣 They are a most intriguing design, something I have not come across

  3. Three bins, brilliant. One for dried materials for mixing in the ‘active’ bin and the last for finished. I’m told that having enough dry material is key for aerobic decomposition, too soggy will rot and stink! We bin and cover a large amount of leaves in the fall to use over the season. Happy composting!

    • We had planned to build one and even bought some wood a couple of years ago. But we never got round to it and I needed some kind of system now the garden has grown!

  4. What a great gift! I would never have guessed what was in the box, but as I am behind in commenting I knew I just needed to read the next post. 😉 I have a compost bin and we plan to build more! I’m sure you will make great use of your gift. 🙂

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