The Best of 2020: A Week of Flowers

We are feeling very miserable right now – our dear doggie was taken from us suddenly a few days ago and we are incredibly sad.

I need something to cheer me up. And with so many of us having to stay at home at the moment, and so much uncertainty regarding Christmas (Thanksgiving) plans, I think most of you will feel the same. I therefore propose a joint effort to cheer us all up.

From this Sunday onwards I will be posting some favourite photos of flowers and plants from this year’s garden: A Week of Flowers, Days One to Seven.

So why not join me!

From Sunday the 22nd through to Saturday the 28th let’s share a photo a day (or more than one if you like) of our flowers and gardens and brighten up this dreary time.

And here is one for a taster.

Are you with me?


43 thoughts on “The Best of 2020: A Week of Flowers

  1. Oh Cathy I am so sorry to hear that sad news ((())) No doubt there is a hole in your lives at the moment but before long you will be able to think of the sunshine and smiles that your loved companion enriched your lives with and take some comfort from those thoughts. A week of flowers certainly sounds like a most cheering idea. I will do my best to join in.

    • Thank you Anna. The shock has subsided but like you say, there is a big gap in our lives now. Would be lovely if you could join in, even if you can’t manage every day. 🤗

  2. Great idea, giving thanks for our gardens and we could all use some cheer. I am so sorry to read about your dog, there is a special place in our hearts for our canine friends and they are difficult to part with.

  3. Cathy I am truly sorry about your dog. It is a great loss, that of a friend: I have lived it many times because since I was born I have had dogs. I send you a lot of strength and think about the happy moments you spent with him. It is a great idea to post photos of flowers every day. Today’s is wonderful, divine, I love it. I cannot publish because I am in Madrid, but I will try to copy photos from the internet to publish some, to see if I am capable because I am a disaster with the computer. A big hug. Very affectionate greetings from Margarita xx😘🙏🌼🌺

      • Cathy how can I join you by posting old photos of my garden in honor of your dog and to send him a beautiful and happy farewell: so that you feel happy seeing the flowers and you feel comforted. Please tell me how to upload the photos. Thanks Cathy. Take care. Very affectionate greetings from Margarita

        • I am afraid I don’t know how you can upload your photos Margarita, but it is enough to know you are enjoying the posts and those of others who are joining in. 😃

  4. I’m so sorry about your sweet dog Cathy. They are so precious to us and their loss leaves such a void in our hearts and home.
    Your photo is stunning! It is a great idea and I look forward to seeing what you post every day. I will not be posting as I just can’t seem to get myself in the mood to blog lately. I hope some day this passes and I feel motivated to join in again. But until then, I will enjoy reading your posts.

  5. Loosing a well loved pet is heart breaking, but you will learn to treasure the memories. After a couple of weeks of being not at my best and confined to the house by awful weather, I was thinking that it might be cheering to post some of my flower photographs from the summer, so I will join your week of flowers and hope it brings a smile.

  6. Cathy, so sorry to hear about your dog. Although I’m a cat person, understand so completely – oh, how I understand. Eventually there will be cheer and happiness again (probably, although it sounds callous, in puppy form). Chin up, lots of people are thinking of you, as you can see from your wonderful comments above. We understand. Will of course be joining you for your lovely idea of the flower a day from tomorrow. What was your dog’s name? Thinking of you.

  7. I’m so sorry for you. I know you’ll focus on all the good times but it’s even harder when it’s unexpected and too early.
    A beautiful idea to bring some summer color to our blogs! I’ll try and jump in this week 🙂

  8. Pingback: A Week of Flowers – Day Two | Eliza Waters

  9. Pingback: A Week of Flowers Day Two, 23rd November 2020 | Rambling in the Garden

  10. Pingback: A Week of Flowers Day Three, 24th November 2020 | Rambling in the Garden

  11. Pingback: (Nearly) Wordless Wednesday: A Week of Flowers Day Four, 25th November 2020 | Rambling in the Garden

  12. Pingback: A Week of Flowers Day Five, 26th November 2020 | Rambling in the Garden

  13. Pingback: A Week of Flowers Day Six, 27th November 2020 | Rambling in the Garden

  14. Pingback: Six on Saturday: A Week and More of Flowers | Rambling in the Garden

  15. I am sorry I got here too late. I would not have been much help anyway, since I lacked time to get pictures of adequate flowers. Vegetation management has become more of a priority than flowers in our landscapes anyway. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how important our friends are. Tomorrow is December 1, the day the Bill went to Heaven. It was years ago, and it was time for him to go, but I can not forget.

    • Thanks Tony. Our pets mean so much to us don’t they. 🐾🐾 Our Gina was the centre point of our household determining our daily routine, so adjusting takes time. This week of flowery posts did however bring me welcome distraction and much happiness sharing cheer and colour with my friends!

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