In a Vase on Monday: Anastasia

On Mondays Cathy at Rambling in the Garden invites us to join her in sharing material from our gardens. A lovely way to start the week!

This pretty little Chrysanthemum – ‘Anastasia’ – has been flowering beautifully for me since October, despite rain, fog and then frosts. So before it starts looking too shabby around the edges I decided to pick some for today’s vase.

I was late to discover the joy of Chrysanthemums, as some of the big pompom ones can be a bit….. well, overwhelming? But this hardy C. indicum has small button flowers and just when you think the garden is going into hibernation it starts flowering! In addition, when I picked these on Saturday there were still some bees on it, after 4 degrees of frost that night. So, my message for today is to give Chrysanthemums a chance! 😉

Have a good week!

A Week of Flowers Day Two, 23rd November 2020

Yesterday it was so cheering, in fact overwhelming, to have so many of my blogging friends join me in posting a week of flowers. It really did make the day brighter and happier. 😃

So today I am continuing my week of flowery fun with some more photos from my garden, this time from July… just look at that blue sky! Sigh!


It’s not too late to join in!  Just post a photo of something bright and cheerful from your 2020 garden to help bring some cheer to these strange times, then leave a link to your post in the comments below so we can all enjoy it. Thank you! 🧡