A Week of Flowers 2023, Day One

‘A week of Flowers’ is my way of brightening up this dark and dismal time of year in the northern hemisphere. The sight of a cheerful bloom never fails to bring a smile, and I will therefore be sharing some of the most colourful flowery photos of this year’s garden for a whole week. Why not join me? Just post one photo (or more!) a day of flowers from your garden for this coming week through to December 7th and leave a link to your post in the comments below. That way everyone can find it and enjoy the warmth and colour as well!

Let the show begin!

Peonies are one of my favourite flowers, and this Itoh Peony ‘Shining Light’ is a beauty.

Peony ‘Cuckoo’s Nest’ is the cuckoo in the Moon Bed, which otherwise contains only blue and cream/white flowers. My sense of humour. 😉

And this one is, I think,  Sarah Bernhardt – it certainly smells wonderful.

These are P. ‘Dancing Butterflies’. Hard to believe on a December day that the Oval Bed looked like this in June!

Have a flowery day, and hope you will drop by again tomorrow!
