A Week of Flowers 2023, Day Two

Day Two of my ‘A week of Flowers’ and my mood has lifted already! So many people are already joining in and I have been enjoying all the blooms being shared. 🤗 This is my way of brightening up the shortest days of the year, but even if you are in the sunny southern hemisphere I believe you can never have enough flowers! Perhaps you would like to join in the fun? Just post one photo a day (or more!) of flowers from your gardens for this coming week through to December 7th and leave a link to your post in the comments below.

Actually I am bending the rules a little today as these flowers aren’t from my own garden. The dahlias were photographed in the UK in August while visiting some gardens with my parents to celebrate my Dad’s 90th birthday. Aren’t they gorgeous?

And these Echinacea were in my Mum’s front garden this summer. Love that colour next to the blue Geraniums. My Mum is still as keen a gardener as ever at 87!

(A special hello to my Mum today who took a tumble the other day and has broken her nose. ❣️)

Have a wonderful day full of flowers, and see you tomorrow for Day Three! 🌷🌹🌼