In a Vase on Monday: Midwinter

The lack of light as the solstice approaches is even more noticeable now that our snow has started melting. But there are nonetheless signs of new life in the garden. The hazel catkins stand out in the hedgerows now that the snow has brought down the last of their big leaves. In just a month or two, depending on the temperatures, their pollen will be flying!

On my morning round of the garden with Anouk (our old doggie) I also noticed a few Euonymus and Rosehips in the hedges that had survived the frosts.

Some pine branches that came down with the weight of the snow were easy picking and made a nice filler for my Advent vase.

Then I added a final flourish with a red cornus stem from the garden beds.

By the way, the elk is Elvin, who makes an annual appearance on this blog! And the little envelope is today’s seed packet from my seed advent calendar… Golden Everlasting. I treated myself to this calendar and am very pleased with the seed packets I have opened so far, which include some beetroot, Sweet Williams, Thyme and Chamomile, Callistephus and an heirloom tomato St. Pierre. It is nice to think about seed sowing, even though it is a long way off still.

I am glad I could find some fresh materials to share so that I can join Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for her weekly meme. Do go and pay her a visit to see what she and others are finding for vases today.