A Week of Flowers 2023, Day Three

Welcome back to A Week of Flowers! December can be such a dreary month in the northern hemisphere, so I am brightening up at least the first week of it with my annual meme. Please do join me! Just post a flower or two, each day, through to December 7th, and leave a link in the comments below. 😃

Some more subtle colours today, day three, from various times of the year: some moody blues and some white. Some people say white is not a colour, but I disagree. It can have just as much impact in a flower bed as any other colour. What do you think?

Click on any image for a slideshow with the names of the plants.

Hope you are enjoying this as much as I am! Many thanks to those joining in – do check the links in the comments to all their posts. And my Mum says a heartfelt thank you to all of the kind get well wishes yesterday. It really did her good! 🤗

Have a great day, and see you tomorrow?
